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Laurus nobilis
Laurel leaf, also known as bay laurel leaf, is from the bay laurel tree or shrub. The tree's leaves offer a powerful essential oil with ample health benefits. Greeks and Romans have utilized the medicinal properties of the bay laurel leaf since ancient times to ward off the plague and various ailments. This oil is replete with different types of chemical compounds that act as antioxidants and protect from free radical damage. The fresh leaves also contain ample amounts of vitamin A (6185 IU per 100 gram serving) and vitamin C (46.5 mcg per 100 gram serving). Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin, hair and vision. In addition to this, bay leaves contain vitamin B complex in the form of niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine and panthothenic acid. Thus, laurel leaf functions as a powerful antioxidant that may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. We love laurel leaf essential oil for its clearing, expectorant actions on the respiratory tract as well as for its antibacterial properties. Try in our Nose Oil and Kapha Body Oil.
Lavandula angustifolia
The name is derived from the Latin word 'lavera' which means 'to wash' and the Romans used it frequently in their bath routine, and it is said to have been introduced by them into England, where it soon was a firm favorite. The main chemical components of lavender oil are a-pinene, limonene, 8-cineole, cis-ocimene, trans-ocimene, 3-octanone, camphor, linalool, linalyl acetate, caryophyllene, terpinen-4-ol and lavendulyl acetate. Lavender is considered to have a cooling energy. It is one of the few essentials oils that can be used neat on the skin. When applied topically, lavender has the ability to eradicate bacteria, regenerate skin tissue and help to prevent and heal breakouts. It can unclog pores, soothe inflammation, work as an anti-fungal, lighten skin discoloration and even has antioxidant properties that help protect your skin from free-radical damage. It relieves pain when used for sore joints, muscular aches, cramps and pains. Lavender has a soothing and calming effect on the nervous system and mind. It is also indicated for headaches, migraines and insomnia. For women, lavender promotes a healthy menstrual flow, reduces menstrual cramps, provides antibacterial support and lubricates the vaginal tissues. Try in our Vata Spritzer, Pitta Spritzer, Tridoshic Spritzer, Vata Body Oil, Pitta Body Oil, Tridoshic Body Oil, Bliss Blend Tea, Kapha Toner, Tridoshic Toner, Vata Serum, Pitta Serum, Kapha Serum, Tridoshic Serum, Clarify Serum, Floral Water, Ear Oil, Vata Cleanser & Mask, Pitta Cleanser & Mask, Kapha Cleanser & Mask, Tridoshic Cleanser & Mask, Coconut Milk Bath, Anti-itch Remedy, Herbal Yoni Steam, Tension Relief Oil and Hair Oil.
Citrus limon
Native to India, the name is derived from the Arabic 'laimun' or the Persian 'limun'. The tree was brought to Europe by the Crusaders in the Middle Ages and the fruit has a good content of Vitamins A, B and C. An ounce of lemon juice per day was given to sailors in the Royal Navy to alleviate scurvy and other vitamin deficiencies. The main chemical components of lemon oil are a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-terpinene, linalool, b-bisabolene, limonene, trans-a-bergamotene, nerol and neral. Lemon oil soothes and relieves headaches and migraines and is helpful for rheumatism and arthritis. It is also used for clearing acne, neutralizing oily skin and hair, as well as removing dead skin cells, easing painful cold sores, mouth ulcers, herpes and insect bites. It boosts the immune system and cleanses the body, improves the functions of the digestive system, and it is helpful with constipation, dyspepsia and cellulite. Try in our Nose Oil, Kapha Body Oil and Tridoshic Body Oil.
Melissa officinalis
Lemon balm is a perennial herb in the mint family Lamiaceae. It is classified as being calming, soothing, healing and astringent for the skin, while also stimulating circulation. Lemon balm contains caffeic acid and ferulic acid, which provide protection against UV radiation-induced skin damage. It is also high in flavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect on the skin and body. Other skin benefits can be attributed to the herb’s tannins, which are astringent and anti-bacterial in action. Lemon balm is considered to be a nervine sedative, meaning that it calms the nervous system and promotes feelings of peace and tranquility. Try in our Bliss Blend Tea and Kapha Toner.
Cymbopogon citratus
In India, lemongrass is known as 'choomana poolu' and is also referred to as 'Indian Verbena' or 'Indian Melissa'. The main chemical components of lemongrass oil are myrcene, citronellal, geranyl acetate, nerol, geraniol, neral and traces of limonene and citral. It is considered an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory & antioxidant herbal remedy and has been used throughout the Ayurvedic and Western herbal apothecary for centuries. This plant has specifically been used in Ayurveda to help bring down fevers, treat infectious illnesses and reduce excess kapha dosha both in the body and the mind. Thanks to its bright & uplifting aroma, lemongrass is a valuable ingredient in skin & body care as well as in aromatherapy. For the skin, it has antiseptic and astringent properties; therefore, it works well with oily or kapha type skin. Lemongrass also works well as an insect / mosquito deterrent and can be seen in various all natural bug spray remedies. It is excellent at revitalizing the body and is an effective plant to use to reduce feelings of stress, lethargy and depression. It has been sited to clear headaches, help combat nervous exhaustion and reduce symptoms of jet lag. In addition, lemongrass essential oil may help make the tissues and muscles of the body more supple; thus, reducing muscle aches and pains. Try in our Kapha Serum and Rooibos Chai Blend Tea.
Glycyrrhiza glabra
The early Egyptians utilized licorice root, enjoying it in tea as a cure-all concoction. Licorice root was later imported to China and also became an important herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Ayurveda has incorporated licorice root into herbal remedies for thousands of years and the Sanskrit term for licorice is yasthimadhu which literally translates to "sweet stick". This dynamic herb is anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce aggravated pitta, and also contains immune-boosting properties of glycyrrhizic acid. Licorice is highly recommended to treat respiratory problems because it helps liquefy excess mucus, or kapha, and move it out of the body. It also helps soothe a dry, sore throat and can moisturize the mucus membranes of the body, including in the GI tract, making it a perfect herb to counterbalance the dry, rough qualities of vata dosha. Licorice root is sattvic, or harmonious, in nature, and promotes feelings of calm and tranquility. Topical gels including licorice root are recommended for the treatment of eczema. Licorice root is often used as a successful dermatological treatment due to its antibacterial and demulcent (moisturizing) properties. Along that line of reasoning, holistic health practitioners often suggest applying licorice treatment to the site of tooth decay to kill bacteria. Try in our Vata Spice Blend, Hydrate Blend Tea, Woman's Blend Tea, Vata Cleanser & Mask and Clarify Cleanser & Mask.
This is a traditional Ayurvedic massage oil that has over 20 beneficial herbs such as shatavari, dashamula, turmeric, ashwagandha, bala, ginger and brahmi infused into a base of sesame oil. The intention of this herbal oil is to soothe inflammation, ease menstrual discomfort and reduce muscle aches and joint pain. Mahanarayan oil may replenish and heal the bodily tissues. Mahanarayan oil is ideal for all doshas, especially to strengthen vata dosha. Try in our Tension Relief Oil.
Citrus nobilis
Originally from China, mandarins, a small citrus fruit, made their first journey to Europe in 1805. Mandarins have an array of health benefits and its essential oil has anti-septic benefits and aids in proper digestion. Being a citrus, mandarin has a warming quality and increases circulation of the blood while also purifying the bloodstream. Mandarin essential oil is known in aromatherapy to relieve stress, fatigue and uplift the senses. As for the skin, mandarin essential oil has antioxidant properties which help the skin stay youthful while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It has been used to balance oily skin as well as brighten dull skin. Try in our Tridoshic Body Oil.
Rubia cordifolia
Manjistha, also known as Rubia cordifolia, grows in Southeast Asia, China, tropical Africa and India and is one of the major herbs in the Ayurvedic apothecary. It contains a variety of chemical compounds including: quinones, iridoid glycosides, triterpinoids and beta-sitosterol. This vine-like plant has been used to dye clothing thanks to its rich red sandalwood-like color, derived from its roots. In fact, manjistha translates to "bright red". Beyond its use in dying clothes, manjistha is known for being an excellent purifier for the lymphatic, blood, circulatory and urinary systems. Because of these purifying actions, manjistha is also recommended to clear up blemishes and helps promote a healthy complexion. Manjistha pacifies pitta dosha thanks to its ability to reduce excess heat in the body and it also reduces blockages to flow caused by kapha-type congestion. Try in our Pitta Cleanser & Mask and Clarify Cleanser & Mask.
Origanum majorana
Marjoram, a versatile herb hailing from the Mediterranean region, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties. This aromatic herb is known for its ability to relieve muscle aches, pains, PMS symptoms, and menopausal discomfort. Marjoram contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, making it a natural remedy for various health issues. Whether used in essential oil form or as a culinary herb in cooking, marjoram offers a soothing and calming effect on the body. Its warm and spicy scent is not only pleasant but also helps to alleviate tension and promote relaxation. Try in our Tension Relief Oil.
Mentha arvensis
Originating from cornmint essential oil extraction, menthol crystals dissolve easily into alcohol or other essential oils and will dissolve into water or oil at their melting point of 111.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Cooling, soothing and refreshing, menthol crystals are commonly used in salves, balms, throat lozenges, topical pain relief products, medicated oils, compresses, throat sprays and gels. Try in our Anti-itch Remedy.
Artemisia vulgaris
Warming and cleansing, mugwort can balance female hormone production, which is supportive to uterine health. Additionally, it is known as an emmenagogue, meaning that it can gently stimulate stagnant or delayed menstruation; therefore, promoting a healthy and balanced moon cycle. Further, it is also well renowned for helping to ease menstrual cramps and pain. Mugwort is also used to help support healthy digestion, calm the nerves and stimulate lucid dreaming. Finally, this protective herb provides the body with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Try in our Herbal Yoni Steam.
Azadirachta indica
Neem oil is pressed from the bark, seeds and leaves of an evergreen tree, Azadiracta indica. Some common names for this tree include Indian lilac, Margosa and nimtree. It is native to India and has been used there for thousands of years to treat a multitude of ailments, so much so that neem is known as the "village pharmacy". Another indicator of this tree's potency is found within its Sanskrit name, Sarva Roga Nirvani, which means “cure of all ailments”. Neem is extremely cooling and bitter, making it a strong anti-inflammatory and purifier. This oil is antibacterial, antimalarial, anti-fungal and antiviral. It is nutrient rich, containing triglycerides, antioxidants, fatty acids, limonoids and calcium which makes it extremely beneficial for skin and hair. Its skin benefits include boosting collagen production, healing acne, hydrating dry, wrinkled skin and treating wounds. For the hair, neem oil is known to strengthen hair follicles, promote hair growth and treat dandruff. Neem is also well known as an organic method for controlling insect pests. Try in our Pitta Cleanser & Mask, Pitta Toner, Clarify Cleanser & Mask and Clarify Serum.
Myristica fragrans
Native to Indonesia, the evergreen tree, Myristica fragrans, is where the spice nutmeg and mace is sourced. While mace is sourced from the outer layer of the nutmeg seed, the spice, nutmeg, is from the seed itself. Nutmeg was highly coveted during the height of the spice trade in the 15th century. This sought after warm & sweet tasting herb is of course a delicious culinary spice which can be used in baking, cooking and beverages; however, its benefits do not stop there. When ingested internally or when applied topically, it has antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Other skincare benefits of nutmeg include it healing acne, reducing the visibility of scars, gently exfoliating, improving hyper-pigmentation and reducing excess sebum or oil production. Studies have shown that nutmeg may also boost libido, aid in heart health, improve mood and even help regulate blood sugar levels. Because nutmeg contains the naturally occurring chemical compound, myristicin, it can be toxic when consumed in very large doses. When 10 grams (2 teaspoons) or more of nutmeg is consumed at one time, hallucinations, dizziness and dry mouth can occur. Just a pinch of nutmeg goes a long way and you do not need more than 1/4 teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg powder in a cooking or herbal recipe to receive the benefits of this historical spice. Try in our Vata Cleanser & Mask and Golden Milk.
Avena sativa
From a dietary standpoint, oats are great for heart health, digestion and boosting immunity but their beneficial actions do not stop there as oats can also be used topically for skin health. When oats are ground to a flour, they exfoliate the skin, helping to slough off dead skin cells to help reveal a smoother and brighter complexion. Since oats contain saponins, they act as an all natural cleanser which leaves your skin feeling not only clean but moisturized as well. In fact, Ayurveda recognizes oat flour for its hydrating properties and this ancient science believes that oat flour is a wonderful ingredient in skincare formulas, especially for dry, vata type skin. Oats contain the trace element zinc which helps to reduce inflammation and clear acne; therefore, oats also work well for pitta type skin. Lastly, oats help soothe itchy skin associated with poison oak and ivy. Try in our Vata Cleanser & Mask, Pitta Cleanser & Mask, Tridoshic Cleanser & Mask and Coconut Milk Bath.
Osmanthus fragrans
Also known as tea olive, fragrant olive and sweet olive, osmanthus is a small tree that has been cultivated in China for over 2,500 years. The name osmanthus is from the Greek word osma meaning fragrant and anthos meaning flower and the flowers of the osmanthus tree are just that- wonderfully sweet and fragrant. This fragrant flower has been used in China throughout history to flavor tea. Its essential oil has anti-microbial properties and is also known to calm anxiety and uplift mood. Topically, the essential oil of osmanthus is used to hydrate the skin, improve skin elasticity, soothe inflammation and treat blemishes. Try in our Tension Relief Oil.