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    paavani ayurveda natural sun protection


    Summertime is swiftly approaching which means longer days filled with lots of opportunities for fun in the sun. It is the perfect season to soak up vitamin D, which helps to make our bones & teeth strong; but the increased exposure to UVA & UVB rays can be harmful to our skin if not protected properly.

    As local Nevada County herbalist, Kathy Keville, mentions in her book  Aromatherapy, UVA rays are responsible for harming our collagen & elastin, which give our skin it’s vitality & flexibility. UVB rays are responsible for sunburn & are the strongest midday. Both UVA & UVB are the culprits that contribute to premature aging of the skin & skin cancer.

    Sun damage is occurring when we are not even thinking about it – when we are eating lunch outside, driving in our cars, or simply walking down the street. For everyday situations such as these, we recommend sourcing your sun protection from earth-based ingredients rather than chemical sunscreens. Many chemical sunscreens use synthetic ingredients that were originally derived from plant sources, such as carrot seed & cinnamon, so why not go directly to the source & experience everyday sun protection the natural way?

    Here is a basic list of beneficial essential oils & base oils for natural sun protection that will help get you started on crafting your own skincare defense ritual for the long summer days.

    1. Essential Oils for Skin Protection

    Helichrysum has the ability to heal the skin quickly, reduce inflammation & relieve pain, all great actions when you are dealing with sun exposure.

    *Our Vata Serum is formulated with the power of Helichrysum.

    Sandalwood protects from the sun’s rays & cools hot, irritated skin.

    *Sandalwood is utilized in many of our products including our Pitta Aromatherapy Spritzer, Pitta Cleanser & Mask, Pitta Serum & Clarify Serum.

    Lavender is antibacterial, soothing & has a mildly moisturizing effect on the skin. Its antibacterial properties will help to heal sunburned skin more quickly.

    *Lavender is used at PAAVANI in many herbal formulations. Experience its many benefits in our Body Oils,  Aromatherapy Spritzers, Ear Oil, Loose Leaf Teas  & Skincare products

    Geranium helps soothe inflamed skin. It is also known by doctors to be an anti-cancer agent.

    * You can experience Geranium in our Vata, Pitta & Tridoshic Serums, Tridoshic Aromatherapy Spritzer, Vata Cleanser & Mask, Pitta Toner & Tridoshic Body Oil.

    Use Frankincense to combat premature wrinkles brought on by sun exposure & protect your skin’s cells from mutation, a.k.a cancerous cells.

    *We use Frankincense essential oil in our Pitta, Kapha, Tridoshic & Clarify Serums to maintain the long term health of your skin. 

    Carrot Seed 
    Carrot Seed is said to have an SPF of 28-40. It regenerates & detoxifies the skin, which are both excellent actions after time in the sun.

    2. Natural Oils with SPF

    • Raspberry Seed Oil, SPF 20-50
    • Wheatgerm Oil, SPF 20
    • Macadamia Nut Oil, SPF 6
    • Sesame Seed Oil, SPF 4
    • Coconut Oil, SPF 2-8
    • Olive Oil, SPF 2-8

    There have been discussions on the safety of using natural oils for SPF protection. Please note that we are encouraging people to use all natural oils & essential oils for everyday sun exposure, like driving in the car or going for a walk. If you are spending extended time in direct sunlight, such as on the beach or on a boat, consider your sun & skin protection options wisely. The best way to determine your unique skincare needs is through direct experience.

    This summer at PAAVANI, we are going to do exactly that- discover through direct experience the effectiveness of all natural sun protection in everyday use AS WELL as in more extreme cases of sun exposure. We promise to follow up with you on our results.

    In the meantime, we wish you all a happy & full beginning of summer!


    @Nadia, yes our products are vegan with the exception of the Trataka Ghee Candle and Ghee. Our products are certified organic as well.

    PAAVANI Ayurveda

    Hi. Are your products vegan and chemical free. Looking forwardvto your response.
    Respectfully Nadia

    Nadia Hosein

    I have been having a hard time finding sunscreen that works for my skin with my skincare routine. I would request paavani to consider creating their own SPF oils for us! :)


    @Rajesh Thank you for your inquiry. Generally speaking, we recommend sesame oil for vata types, sunflower oil for pitta types and safflower oil for kapha types. Please visit the “Ingredients” section of our website to learn more about how each of these carrier oils can support both the body and mind.

    PAAVANI Ayurveda

    I am interested in harbal base all products for human health and protection

    Rajesh Rajyaguru

    @divashka Thank you for reaching out! This is a great question. Red raspberry seed oil has been cited to have SPF of up to 50 but it depends on the quality of the oil. The best way to determine the SPF of your red raspberry seed oil would be to get it tested by a lab. If you did not want to do that, we suggest purchasing a non-nano zinc oxide mineral sunscreen that is all natural and contains beneficial oils like the ones listed in this blog post. This way, you are guaranteed to receive the SPF 50 protection you are seeking. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    PAAVANI Ayurveda

    Hi there

    I just wanted to find out if I am a women of colour wanting to use the natural oils with SPF- how do I go about ensuring I am applying SPF 50 to my skin, how do the calculations work if you don’t mind me asking?



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