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    Our Products are Only Made of Pure, Organic  Ingredients Sourced Directly From the Earth

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    Prunus dulcis

    The almond tree, also related to cherries and plums, is native to Western Asia and Southern Europe. Almonds contain monounsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, antioxidants vitamin E, magnesium, riboflavin, calcium and potassium. Research finds that almonds contain high concentrations of compounds that fight skin cancer and damage by reversing oxidative stress from a poor diet, pollution and UV light exposure. Ground almond flour acts as a gentle exfoliant, perfect to promote circulation for congested skin. Try in our Kapha Cleanser & Mask. 



    Prunus dulcis

    Almonds are native to the Mediterranean and Middle East. Presently, California is the largest producer of almonds. Almond oil is one of the best oils for hair and skin care due to its emollient properties and tridoshic nature. It moisturizes the skin and helps in psoriasis, eczema and other forms of dermatitis and can also be used to remove makeup, even out skin tone & combat premature wrinkles. Try in our Vata Body Oil, Pitta Body Oil and Vata Serum.



    Aloe barbadensis miller

    Historical evidence suggests that the aloe vera plant originated in the warm, dry climates of Africa.  Aloe vera leaves are filled with a gel containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E and folic acid. Minerals found in aloe vera juice are copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, magnesium and manganese. Aloe vera soothes and cools; thus, it is commonly used topically to treat sun burned skin, inflammation and allergic reactions. It provides moisture, nourishment and regenerates skin tissue and also has antibacterial properties. Try in our Pitta Cleanser & MaskKapha Cleanser & Mask and Anti-itch Remedy.  



    Aloe barbadensis miller

    Aloe Vera has been described in writings from different cultures and as far back as the Greek, Egyptians, and Roman eras. Ancient records show that the benefits of aloe vera juice has been known for centuries, with its therapeutic advantages and healing properties surviving for over 4000 years. The aloe vera plant is packed full of healing extracts, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes and amino acids. The juice is filled with a plethora of skin benefits, such as antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properites, giving it soothing and moisturizing effects that defend against harmful toxins. Aloe vera juice can be used topically to treat burns, abrasions, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. It can also be used orally to heal inflammation in the digestive tract. Try in our Vata Toner, Pitta Toner, Kapha Toner, Tridoshic TonerClarify Toner and Anti-itch Remedy.



    Phyllanthus emblica

    Amalaki is a small tree that is native to tropical southeastern Asia, including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Mascarene Islands. Amalaki, commonly known as Indian gooseberry or amla, is considered one of the most powerful rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. It has a cooling effect that balances pitta, supporting the natural functions of the liver and the immune system. The herb is a strong natural antioxidant containing high levels of vitamin C. It also builds and rejuvenates red blood cell count, detoxifies the liver & mouth and replenishes the gums, bones, hair and nails. Furthermore, amalaki reduces inflammation in the stomach & colon, alleviates pain, promotes detoxification, sharpens memory and protects against cancer. Try in our Pitta Cleanser & Mask, Mint Oil Pulling Oil, Cinnamon Oil Pulling OilTriphala and Hair Oil



    The Recorded history of vinegar starts around 5000 BC, when the Babylonians were using the fruit of the date palm to make wine and vinegar. They used it as a food and as a preserving or pickling agent. Vinegar residues have been found in ancient Egyptian urns traced to 3000 BC. Organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains “mother,” strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky, cobweb-like appearance. Raw apple cider vinegar can help kill pathogens, including harmful bacteria, lowers blood sugar levels and fights diabetes and can also help with weight loss. It is said to even have protective effects against cancer. Apple cider vinegar is effective when taken internally and also when it is applied to the skin externally. Many people use apple cider vinegar as part of their daily skin-care routine to heal acne, reduce age spots and wrinkles and to cleanse the skin. Using apple cider vinegar as a skin toner is a natural way to keep your skin feeling fresh and supple. When applied to the skin it also dries up urushiol, which is the oil poison oak & ivy secretes which causes that hot, itchy rash on your skin. It even helps heal the skin & relieve the need to itch. Try in our Clarify Toner & Anti-itch Remedy.



    Prunus armeniaca

    Apricots are native to Armenia, although it is believed that apricots may have originated in China. The fruit is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean and Central Asia, with Turkey being the largest producer today. As its name suggests, apricot kernel oil is produced from the kernel or pit of an apricot. When topically applied, the emollient properties of this fast absorbing oil help to exfoliate and moisturize the skin, eliminating patches of dryness & retaining moisture deep within the skin’s layers. Packed with antioxidants, apricot kernel oil is able to relieve oxidative stress in the skin! This is good news for anyone suffering from fine lines & wrinkles, plus these powerful antioxidants also help to tighten & tone the skin, reduce age spots & prevent cellular mutation, which can lead to skin cancer. Try in our Vata Serum.



    Argania spinosa

    Argan oil is derived from the argan nut, which grows inside the fruit of the argan tree. It is also referred to as “Moroccan oil,” since the argan tree only grows naturally in a small area of Southwestern Morocco. Argan oil is nature’s protective, nourishing superfood for your skin! This light, non-greasy oil balances the skin’s natural sebum, making it ideal for oily & acne prone skin. It is packed with omega fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants & linoleic acids, all which lightly moisturize the skin, reduce inflammation, fade scars & even prevent breakouts. Lastly, argan oil is a zero on the comedogenic rating scale, meaning that it absolutely will not clog your pores!  Try in our Vata Serum, Kapha Serum, Tridoshic Serum and Clarify Serum.



    Withania somnifera

    Ashwagandha is native to the dry regions of India, northern Africa, and the Middle East, but today is also grown in more mild climates, including in the United States. One of the most important Ayurvedic herbs, ashwagandha root has been used for over 3,000 years to relieve stress, increase energy & improve concentration. In Sanskrit its name translates to “smell of the horse” which refers to its unique smell & its ability to increase strength. It is classified as an adaptogen, which means that it helps the body & mind to cope with stress, anxiety & even reducing cortisol levels. Many of its profound health benefits are due to its high concentration of withanolides, which have been shown to combat inflammation & tumor growth. This miracle root has even been shown to fight cancerous cells & impede the growth of new cancer cells. Ashwagandha is also packed with antioxidants which allow it to successfully fight free-radical damage caused by the sun. With antibiotic, antibacterial and rejuvenating properties, ashwagandha strengthens immunity and is extremely nourishing for dry skin, while also promoting firmness and elasticity. Ashwagandha stimulates DHEA, which is a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen and stimulates the production of natural skin oils. It also promotes the production of vital compounds and proteins for healthy skin such as hyaluronan for skin hydration, elastin to keep the skin supple and collagen for skin strength. Used in shampoos, Ashwagandha is believed to help improve scalp circulation and strengthen the hair, as well as help get rid of dandruff. Try in our Vata Body Oil, Hydrate Blend TeaVata Cleanser & MaskGolden Milkpowdered Ashwagandha and Hair Oil.



    Berberis vulgaris

    Barberry is a large genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs found throughout temperate and subtropical regions of the world and is closely related to Oregon grape. Barberry, Oregon grape, golden seal and coptis all contain isoquinolone alkaloids. Berberine is the most prominent of these alkaloids and according to laboratory studies, it has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, sedative and anticonvulsant effect. Traditionally, barberry root has been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a bitter, detoxifyign remedy primarily used to target the liver and to reduce symptoms associated with diarrhea, stomach upset and fever. It has also been used as an aid in treating dental plaque, swollen gums, gout, arthritis and issues with circulation. Because of its antimicrobial properties, barberry is effective against respiratory, urinary and digestive infections as well as keeping the mouth clean and fresh. Topical applications of barberry root may also alleviate inflammation associated with skin disorders, including psoriasis.  Barberry can also unclog pores, tame oily skin and provide a good source of vitamin C, which protects the skin environmental stressors. Try in our Mint Oil Pulling Oil  and Cinnamon Oil Pulling Oil.



    Bentonite Clay is composed of volcanic ash from the United States, with the largest deposit located in Fort Benton, Wyoming. The United States is responsible for 35% of the 10 billion tons of Bentonite mined each year, followed by Greece, Italy, India, China, and Australia.  Also referred to as Montmorillonite, this is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays. It has a high concentration of: potassium, iron, sodium, silica, calcium and magnesium. Bentonite Clay is also known as a "swelling clay" because when combined with water, it has the ability to absorb and remove toxins, heavy metals, impurities and chemicals from the skin and body. Bentonite clay also brings oxygen to the cells and has an alkalizing effect. When it is used topically, it helps calm and soothe irritated inflamed skin. Some conditions that benefit from topical use include: acne/blemishes, eczema and psoriasis. Try in our Pitta Cleanser & Mask and Tridoshic Cleanser & Mask.



    Citrus bergamia

    Although native to tropical Asia, Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) is now extensively cultivated in the Southern part of Italy, particularly in the Calabria region. It also takes its name from an Italian city, Bergamot, in Lombardy, where the essential oil was originally sold. Although inedible, the rind of this small, green fruit produces a lustrous oil that we can all use to uplift the senses. The Italians have used bergamot in folk medicine for years, particularly for fevers. Bergamot is unique among citrus oils due to its ability to be both uplifting and calming, making it ideal to help with anxious and sad feelings. It is able to counteract depression & melancholy, both symptoms of excess kapha dosha. It is also purifying and cleansing for the skin, helping with oily skin conditions and promoting a smooth, clear complexion while having a calming effect. It is powerful at stimulating the liver, stomach and spleen and has a superb antiseptic effect on urinary tract infections and inflammations such as cystitis. Try in our Kapha SpritzerKapha Body Oil and Tridoshic Body Oil.



    Eclipta alba

    This species grows commonly in moist places as a weed in warm temperate to tropical regions worldwide. It is widely distributed throughout India, Nepal, China, Thailand and Brazil. Commonly known as false daisy, this Ayurvedic herb is honored for its rejuvenating effects on the hair, skin, teeth and nails. Bhringraj leaves are amazing for treating skin related diseases & can be chewed for remedying mouth ulcers. Bhringraj juice is very effective for treating cracked heels and minor skin allergies. Both anti-allergenic & anti-inflammatory, bhringaraj effectively detoxifies the skin and body. Try in our Cinnamon Oil Pulling OilMint Oil Pulling Oil and Hair Oil.



    Terminalia belerica

    Bibhitaki is a large deciduous tree found across India especially in lower hilly areas. It is also known by the botanical name “Terminalia Bellirica” and in Sanskrit, bibhitaki is known as “Vibheetaki” which means the fruit that takes away the fear of disease for its ability to boost the immune system of the body. Bibhitaki fruit is very nutritious as it contains essential vitamins, minerals and protein. It is particularly beneficial for kapha, supporting the respiratory system as well as kapha accumulations in all systems of the body. It cleanses & tonifies the colon, rejuvenates the lungs, improves voice, vision & promotes hair growth. Bibhitaki is a rich source of Vitamin C and minerals like selenium, manganese, potassium, iron and copper. It is very useful for hair, throat and eye related problems and also very useful in fighting skin allergies. Try in our Kapha Cleanser & Mask and Triphala.



    Nigella sativa

    Black cumin seeds have long been used as a powerful remedy against major illnesses in nearly every major medical tradition from Ayurveda to Chinese herbalism to ancient Egyptian and Greek medicine. The primary active compounds in black cumin seed are crystalline nigellone and thymoquinone. Both of these chemical compounds are anti-oxidant rich and show efficacy in treating degenerative disorders like cancer. Black cumin seed oil not only supports health, but has beauty benefits as well, including stronger and more lustrous hair and fingernails. Known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial & anti-aging benefits, this oil is a skincare must! We especially love black cumin seed oil for its ability to unclog pores, balance oil production, soothe redness and fight multiple strains of acne causing bacteria. Not to mention, it is packed with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to encourage healthy skin regeneration, reverse the aging process and fade dark spots. When used externally, black cumin seed oil can soothe psoriasis, eczema, and acne. Some people use black cumin seed oil preparations on burns or skin infections. It can also be used to moisturize the skin and relieve joint pain. Try in our Pitta Serum, Vata Serum and Clarify Serum.



    Piper nigrum

    Native to southern India, this spice has been cultivated and used in that part of the world since the start of recorded history. Evidence of the use of pepper can be found in almost every major civilization since that time. Piperine, is the chemical present that gives black pepper its spiciness. It contains potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin K and vitamin C. It has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it an amazing medicinal spice. Apart from helping in treating cough, cold and other diseases like cancer and intestinal problems, adding it to your daily diet helps in improving your skin and hair. The high amount of antioxidants present in black pepper helps your skin by protecting it against the symptoms of premature aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots. Black pepper also helps promote blood circulation and provides more oxygen and nutrients to your skin. In the digestive system, black pepper is used in Ayurveda to enkindle and strengthen digestion, expel toxic debris and improve the absorption and assimilation of nutrients from food. Try in our Rooibos Chai Blend Tea, Kapha Spice Blend and Golden Milk.



    Tanacetum annuum

    Blue tansy originated in the Mediterranean but now it is mainly harvested in Morocco. Surprisingly, its petals are a yellow hue instead of blue and its petals as well as leaves are steam distilled to make the essential oil. When the petals and leaves are distilled, the chemical compound, chamazulene, is released which imparts the blue tone to the oil. Studies show that chamazulene as well as two other major components of blue tansy, camphor and sabinene, help to reduce inflammation in the body. Aromatherapists advise that blue tansy essential oil can also help alleviate nasal congestion, repair skin damage and prevent premature wrinkles. Try in our Tension Relief Oil



    Bacopa monnieri

    Brahmi is native to India but has spread throughout the tropics. Brahmi, also known as bacopa, has great value in Ayurvedic medicine for its use as a mind tonic and adaptogen. Brahmi is the Sanskrit word for the “feminine essence of the collective consciousness” and the “creative potential that arises from pure awareness”. The effects of using this herb are just that- increasing consciousness & awareness. Brahmi is a brain tonic effective in strengthening the memory, intellect, focus, concentration & overall balancing of emotions. It can be used to treat Alzheimer disease, memory loss, insanity, insomnia and other mental illness. It is energizing throughout the day & calming when it is time for sleep. Furthermore, brahmi is tridoshic, which means that it is balancing to vata, pitta & kapha. Not only is brahmi supportive to the mind, but is also beneficial for the skin! Rich in vitamin C & antioxidant properties, brahmi helps to dispel toxins from the body, especially from the epithelium layer; thus, improving skin complexion, treating skin problems, healing wounds & reducing the effects of scarring. It also has anti-inflammatory properties & stimulates the regeneration of healthy skin cells, hair & nails. Try in our Nose Oil, Cool & Calm Blend TeaTridoshic Body Oil and Hair Oil



    Arctium lappa

    Burdock is found in central Europe, Southeast Asia and North America. Europeans began using it heavily in the middle ages when they and their predecessors were perhaps most committed to the herb’s role as a diuretic or “water pill” that could “purify blood” by flushing toxins out of the body, including the microorganism that causes Syphilis. Burdock root was also enlisted to alleviate constipation, ease childbirth, break up kidney and bladder stones, promote sweating, remedy stomach and intestinal disorders, and control arthritis and gout pains. Traditional Chinese and Indian doctors often selected this herb for treating colds, flu, and other throat and chest conditions. Burdock oil or “bur oil” contians very concentrated essential fatty acids which provide a great energy source, aid skin repair, lower heart disease and stroke, and lower cancer risks, specifically lung, stomach, breast and ovarian cancers. Try in our Clarify Cleanser & Mask.



    Calendula officinalis

    Calendula is native to Southwestern Asia, as well as Western Europe and the Mediterranean. The common name "marigold" refers to the Virgin Mary, with whom it has been associated since the 14th century, when it was included as an ingredient in an English recipe for fighting the plague. Calendula is beneficial for dry or damaged skin, promoting fast healing and regeneration, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It also has the ability to stimulate collagen production while brightening one's complexion. This delicate flower also packs an antioxidant punch thanks to its abundance in carotenoids, Vitamin A & Vitamin E. Applying calendula topically heals wounds, burns, eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. Try in our Vata Toner, Tridoshic Toner, Clarify TonerCool & Calm Blend TeaAnti-itch Remedy and Herbal Yoni Steam. 


    Cinnamomum camphora

    Steam distilled from the chipped wood, stumps and branches of the camphor tree, camphor essential oil is extremely powerful and should be used with care. As with all essential oils, a little goes a long way when using camphor and its beneficial actions include: soothing inflammation, improving circulation, reducing soreness, easing muscle aches, spasms and pains, soothing irritated skin, reducing the itch associated with bug bites as well as healing ligament sprains. Camphor essential oil has also been sited in aromatherapy to help eradicate acne and may help boost collagen production. It also works as a carminative, meaning that it helps dispel gas or flatulence. Camphor essential oil is a perfect herbal ally for immune support as it is anti-viral and anti-septic. Lastly, camphor essential oil is recommended by herbalists to dispel coughing and congestion. Try in our Tension Relief Oil.



    Elettaria cardamomum

    A perennial herb, cardamom can be identified by its large leaves and seeds, green and white flowers, and slightly bitter but edible fruits. It is farmed only in a few places around the world, such as Sri Lanka, Laos, China, Nepal, Guatemala and India. Cardamom seeds contain important minerals like sulfur, calcium, and phosphorus. This herb is considered a cooling dipana in Ayurvedic medicine as it aids in healthy digestion by gently stimulating the digestive fire (agni). Cardamom also has antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties which are beneficial for the skin. It works as a facial toner to help keep the skin radiant. Emotionally, cardamom is grounding and soothing. Plus, it's taste is absolutely divine! Try in our Vata Spritzer, Kapha Body Oil, Tridoshic Body Oil, Hydrate Blend Tea , Rooibos Chai Blend Tea, Tridoshic Cleanser & MaskNose Oil, Coconut Milk Bath, Pitta Spice Blend and Golden Milk.



    Ricinus communis

    Native to Africa and Asia, castor oil, derived from the castor seed, has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of health conditions. It is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and can inhibit the growth of acne causing bacteria, making it highly beneficial at treating blemishes. Castor oil is also rich in fatty acids, promoting the growth of healthy skin cells and increasing the smoothness, softness and evenness of the skin’s tone and texture by producing collagen, elastin and lasting moisture. Due to its low comedogenic rating, castor oil is ideal for sensitive and acne prone skin, as it will not cause the pores to clog or produce blackheads. Castor oil also removes dirt from the surface of the skin, thanks to its triglyceride components. Try in our Pitta Serum, Kapha Serum and Tridoshic Serum.



    Cedrus atlantica

    Cedar atlas trees are native to the Atlas mountain of North Africa and North Algeria; however, the majority of atlas trees come from Morocco. Cedar atlas oil is derived from that bark of the tree. Woody and sweet, Cedar Atlas was one of the first essential oils to be extracted, ancient egyptians used the oil in their process of spiritual embalming. The chemical constituents of Atlas cedar oil are α-cedrene, β-cedrene, thujopsene, cedrol, widdrowl, and a group of sesquiterpenes. Nausea, fatigue, and mood swings related to menstruation can be relieved by using this oil. Cedar atlas may also reduce congestion common in bronchitis and has detoxing effects. It is also known to have a gentle, soothing effect on sore muscles and has antiseptic properties. Emotionally, it is grounding, calming, and stress relieving. Try cedar atlas essential oil in our Tridoshic Spritzer and Hair Oil


    CHAMOMILE (German / Blue / Hungarian) 

    Matricaria recutita

    Chamomile oil is cultivated in Hungary, Egypt, Eastern Europe and France, while Roman chamomile is cultivated in Germany, Spain, Italy, Morocco and France. For the skin, chamomile has many uses. It may calm and soothe acne, eczema, rashes, wounds, swelling, dermatitis, dry, itchy skin and other allergic conditions in general. Chamomile is considered a carminative in herbalism, as it helps ease flatulence. It can also be used in a very diluted form to sooth an irritated and teething baby. It helps for colic, diarrhea and gastric spasms. Blue chamomile is a natural remedy known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in relieving muscle aches and pains. Emotionally, chamomile is calming, grounding and can assist in easing anxiety and insomnia. Try in our Pitta Body Oil, Bliss Blend Tea, Vata Toner, Vata Serum Anti-itch Remedy and Tension Relief Oil.



    Chamaemelum nobile

    Also known as English chamomile or simply, chamomile, Chamaemelum nobile grows in England, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and western & central France. With similar beneficial actions as German or Blue chamomile, this essential oil eases fear, anger and anxiety as well as relieves insomnia. When used topically, Roman chamomile essential oil soothes dermatitis and inflammation as well as softens and regenerates the skin. This essential oil has also been used in herbalism to heal sprains, strains and wounds. Try in our Vata Serum and Pitta Body Oil.



    Vitex agnus castus

    There are a few names for this herb including its Latin name, Vitex agnus castus, as well as vitex, chasteberry or monk’s pepper.  The names, chasteberry and monk’s pepper, became commonplace during the Middle Ages because this herb was thought to lower a man’s sexual desire or libido; thus, promoting chastity among monks. The medicinal part of the chaste tree is its berries and these berries are around the size of a peppercorn. Common herbal uses for chasteberry include to reduce premenstrual symptoms (PMS) like breast tenderness, constipation and headaches as well as emotional imbalances such as depression, anger and irritability. This herb also eases menopausal symptoms, with studies suggesting that the regular use of chasteberry promotes a better night’s sleep among menopausal women. Chasteberry is also utilized when a woman is experiencing infertility issues. The above symptoms are eased through chasteberry’s possible effect on reducing prolactin levels. When prolactin is reduced, other hormones, including estrogen and progesterone may come back into balance.  Chasteberry may also be effective in reducing inflammation, healing bones and protecting the body from harmful bacteria and fungi like Staphylococcus and Salmonella. Try in our Woman’s Blend Tea.



    Cicer arietinum


    Chickpea flour is also known as gram flour in India. Chickpea flour has been used traditionally not only as a food source but also as an exfoliant and deep cleanser for the skin. It's skin benefits do not stop there. The zinc contained within chickpeas can help fight infections which can lead to acne. It has also been known to reduce oiliness by balancing out the skin's sebum and has been used to treat hyper-pigmentation. To promote a brighter more even complexion, combine lemon juice, turmeric, chickpea flour and water to make a paste and gently massage into skin then rinse with tepid water. If unwanted facial hair is arising, chickpea flour has also been traditionally used to minimize it. Try in our Pitta Cleanser & Mask, Kapha Cleanser & Mask, Tridoshic Cleanser & Mask and Clarify Cleanser & Mask.



    Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Chrysanthemum is native to Asia and northeastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China.  The dried flowers of Chrysanthemum are used for a multitude of purposes. Chrysanthemum tea is a rich source of vitamin B like folacin and choline. Choline is quite beneficial for development and multiplying of the cells. It also helps in metabolism of fats within the body. Chrysanthemums flowers are considered to be carminative, antibacterial, antifungal, depurative, diaphoretic, febrifuge, ophthalmic, sedative and anti-inflammatory. Flowers are taken internally to stimulate blood circulation, improve vision, treat hypertension, counter infections, soothe sore eyes, relieve headaches and dizziness, cold, coronary heart diseases, chronic inflammation and angina. For the skin, Chrysanthemum has a cooling effect while it cleanses and purifies. It also supports healthy moisture levels, counteracting dryness and wrinkles. Try in our Pitta Toner.



    Cinnamomum verum

    Ceylon cinnamon, also called "true" cinnamon is harvested from the cinnamomum vernum trees of Sri Lanka. It contains powerful antioxidants like polyphenols and studies have shown that cinnamon's antioxidant effects are even stronger than garlic or oregano. The main chemical components of the essential oil, obtained from the leaves, are eugenol, eugenol acetate, cinnamic aldehyde and benzyl benzoate. The therapeutic properties of cinnamon oil are analgesic, antiseptic, antibiotic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cardiac, carminative, demulcent, emmenagogue, insecticide, stimulant, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge. Cinnamon oil can also be used for infection of the respiratory tract, rheumatism, arthritis and general pains. It calms an exhausted feeling of depression, tones the whole body and stimulates the glandular system; thus, easing period pains. Cinnamon may support a healthy immune system, improve circulation, aid in digestion, warm the body, reduce inflammation and act as an anti-fungal and antibacterial agent. Try in our Golden Milk, Vata Spice Blend & Kapha Spice Blend



    Cinnamomum burmanii 

    Korintje cinnamon, also known as cassia and Indonesian cinnamon, was first cultivated in Western Sumatra. It has a mellow and smooth flavor and is sweeter than other varieties of cinnamon. Korintje is the most widely used cinnamon in the United States and is more than likely the type of cinnamon that appears at your local grocery store. It is packed with antioxidant benefits thanks to its flavonoids and anthocyanins. Cinnamon is an excellent dipana, or digestive herb, that can eradicate harmful bacteria in the digestive tract, stimulate gastric juices and help reduce bloating, flatulence and cramps. It has been known to help regulate cholesterol and blood sugar. Cinnamon also warms the body and increases circulation. Lastly, Cinnamomum burmanii has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which support immune health and protects the mouth, teeth and gums.  Try in our Vata Body OilHydrate Blend TeaRooibos Chai Blend TeaCinnamon Oil Pulling Oil  and Mint Oil Pulling Oil.



    Salvia sclarea

    A member of the sage family, clary sage is believed to have originated in Syria or south west and central Europe. Clary sage is used in various ways, including for aromatherapy. It acts on the hypothalamus, a ‘primitive’ part of the brain and is used to relieve anxiety, fear and paranoia. For skincare, clary sage regulates healthy sebum production, reduces inflammation that contributes to dermatitis. It can also help fight bacteria that may thrive in your digestive system, urinary tract and excretory system. Try in our Kapha Body Oil, Tridoshic Toner and Tridoshic Serum.



    Citrus clementina

    The name, Clementine, is said to have come from Father Clément Rodier, an Algerian monk. Legend says he discovered the unique orange in his mandarin garden. Others think the fruit originated before that in Asia. Clementine has numerous benefits for the skin. For example, its antioxidant, folic acid, helps keep the skin healthy and firm and clementine also helps soothe inflammation. Another benefit is that clementine is abundant in citric acid, which helps cleanse dirt, excess sebum and impurities associated with oily skin. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the fruit is its scent. According to research, nearly 50 different compounds in the oil create the unique smell- which is known in aromatherapy for lifting your spirits.  Clementine oil is a very light, gentle oil that is perfect for sensitive skin and contains Vitamin C to support healthy blood cells and boost immunity. Try in our Tridoshic Body Oil.



    Syzygium aromaticum

    A native of Indonesia and the Malacca Islands, clove has a warm, strong, spicy smell and the oil is colorless to pale yellow with a medium to watery viscosity. The main chemical components of clove oil are eugenol, eugenol acetate, iso-eugenol and caryophyllene. Clove oil can be used for acne, bruises, burns and cuts. It keeps infection at bay and acts as a pain reliever. It is valuable for relieving respiratory problems, like bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. Clove is also beneficial to the digestive system, effective against vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, spasms, parasites and bad breath. It has been used traditionally in India to help with toothache, mouth sores and its anti-bacterial properties promote healthy oral hygiene. Try in our Rooibos Chai Blend TeaMint Oil Pulling Oil and Cinnamon Oil Pulling Oil.



    Cocos nucifera


    Coconut milk is made by combining coconut meat and water. It is a healthy food staple in Southeast Asia and has also been used for centuries in skincare. Coconut milk is an excellent exfoliant and moisturizer for the skin. It makes skin smooth and supple and combats dryness, itchiness and swelling. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, coconut milk treats sunburns and the fat in the milk reduces the painful swelling associated with sunburn. It also contains Vitamin C and copper which help to maintain the flexibility and elasticity of the skin. The anti-bacterial properties of the milk help clear and prevent breakouts and the fat in the coconut milk prevents the pores from clogging.  Try in our Vata Cleanser & MaskPitta Cleanser & Mask and Coconut Milk Bath.



    Cocos nucifera

    Coconut oil has been used for thousands of years in the Pacific Rim and Asia. Today, the beneficial action of coconut oil has spread worldwide. Coconut oil helps in healthy growth of hair, protects hair protein and also gives hair a shiny quality. Coconut oil is excellent to use as an oil pulling oil because it facilitates absorption of calcium which helps in developing strong teeth. It also stops tooth decay due to its anti-fungal properties. Coconut oil contains the fatty acid, lauric acid, which has anti-microbial properties; thus, it aids in reducing harmful bacteria in the mouth and reduces plaque. Using coconut oil for oil pulling is a beneficial way to keep the gums healthy, teeth white as well as eliminating bad breath. Try in our Mint Oil Pulling Oil and Cinnamon Oil Pulling Oil.



    Symphytum officinale

    Comfrey has been cultivated as a healing herb since at least 400BC. The Greeks and Romans commonly used comfrey to stop heavy bleeding, treat bronchial problems and heal wounds and broken bones. Comfrey is an excellent source of calcium, potassium K, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B12, C, proteins. Externally, comfrey is useful in healing stubborn skin ulcers, bedsores, and other lesions. It can also promote the healing of minor burns, eczema, psoriasis, soothe bee stings & spider bites (including those of the brown recluse), treat skin staph infections and athlete’s foot. The compound, allantoin, which is found in comfrey, provides various skincare benefits. Some benefits are that it helps to reduce inflammation and also locks in moisture, resulting in smoother, softer skin. The tannins found in comfrey provide antibacterial action to our skin while rosmarinic acid provides anti-oxidants and protection from UV damage. Try in our Vata Toner and Anti-itch Remedy.



    Coriandrum sativum

    A native of Morocco, corainder seeds have a sweet, spicy, warm smell. The main chemical components are: borneol, linalool, cineole, cymene, terpineol, dipentene, phellandrene, pinene and terpinolene. Coriander oil can be useful to refresh and uplift the mind. It can help with mental fatigue, migraine, tension and weakness. In Ayurveda, coriander is used as a digestive herb, burns, rashes, urinary tract infection and hay fever. It has a very soothing effect on the stomach, relieves gas and cramps, while revitalizing the glandular system. Coriander is recommended for sensitive skin that is prone to inflammation because of its cooling, soothing properties. Try in our Pitta Cleanser & MaskPitta Body Oil, Pitta Spice Blend and Tridoshic Spice Blend



    Cuminum cyminum

    Cumin is an ancient herb that has been utilized for thousands of years in cooking and herbalism. Native to the Mediterranean region and Egypt, cumin seeds are the tiny dried fruit that comes from a small Umbelliferae plant and its taste is earthy, pungent and slightly sweet with citrus undertones. Further, cumin belongs to the same plant family as parsley, carrots, dill, and caraway. In Ayurveda, cumin is used as a digestive and culinary herb and is considered balancing to all doshas. It improves lymphatic drainage and is also considered a carminative, helping to dispel gas. Lastly, cumin stimulates digestion without overheating the organs of digestion. Try in our Vata Spice Blend, Pitta Spice Blend, and Tridoshic Spice Blend.



    Cupressus sempervirens

    Cypress has been used throughout human history, in its various forms. The Greeks used the wood of the cypress trees to build statues of their gods. The Phoenicians built ships and houses from cypress, while the Ancient Egyptians built coffins. Cypress is not only a strong wood to create things from, its essential oil is also beneficial. Cypress essential oil is considered an astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic and a hemostat. In skincare, cypress stimulates muscle tissue and helps firm the skin. Its astringent property helps reduce excess oil and/or congestion while its diuretic property aids in purifying the skin. Cypress essential oil also has antibacterial properties which assist in keeping the skin clean and fresh. Try in our Kapha Serum.




    Eucalyptus radiata


    Eucalyptus essential oil is derived from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree. The oil is anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, a decongestant, deodorant and antiseptic. Eucalyptus is extremely effective against the common cold, coughs and for healing sinus issues. It reduces mucus and clears the head of any 'stuffiness'. Eucalyptus oil is also used on the skin to reduce blemishes. Try in our Kapha Body Oil, Nose Oil, Aromatic Neti Salt and Kapha Cleanser & Mask.


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