Round-up Your Cart to Help us Support these Organizations in 2022

Here's to More Equality & Sustainability in 2022!

Thank you for your continued support which helped to make 2021 another successful year of uniting together as a community to take action and collectively create change in the world. With your help, we actively supported Give India's COVID Response Fund, Los Angeles LGBT Center during pride month, the River Fire Relief Fund during wildfire season and the Desai Foundation to support the futures of women and children in India. In addition to these individual fundraisers, we also raised money throughout the year to donate to The Nature Conservancy and Campaign Zero through our 2021 Shopping Cart Round-Up Campaign

This year, we will continue our efforts to raise money for social and environmental justice through our Shopping Cart Round-Up Campaign. Throughout 2022, with each purchase you make in our e-commerce shop you may choose to round up your purchase total to further contribute to The Nature Conservancy and/or Campaign Zero in our effort to continue to make a more substantial contribution to these organizations that are leading the way. 

Also, please continue to subscribe to our newsletter for additional call-to-action fundraisers that we will be holding throughout the year.

We look forward to collectively creating change and moving towards greater equality and sustainability with you in 2022!

Shop Now to Donate!


Hero image courtesy of Alyssa Keys

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