5 Ayurvedic Tips for Lasting Beauty
1. Go to Sleep & Awake at the Same Time Each Day & Night
Getting one’s beauty sleep isn’t just a silly thing people say in fairy tales. Did you know that while you are asleep, your body repairs itself from the previous day’s stress? Your body is able to recharge & repair while you are at rest. If you are incorporating the PAAVANI Skincare Ritual into your evening routine, your skin also has the opportunity to optimally repair & absorb all of the yummy antioxidants & nourishing properties contained within the herbs in each formula.
It is said that a good night’s sleep varies between 6-8 hours per night. Your predominant constitutional dosha determines how much sleep is necessary to feel fully rested & rejuvenated. For instance, a kapha type would thrive on 6 or 7 hours of sleep while a vata type would do best with 8 hours of sleep per night & a pitta type would do well with 7-8 hours per night.
To go to bed then awake & arise at the same time each evening & morning is the best way to ensure a proper night’s sleep. According to Ayurveda, one should be in bed no later than 10 pm & awake no later than 6 am. This timing honors the cycle of the doshas & will guarantee the deepest, most productive “beauty sleep”.
2. Say NO to Ice Water
Ice water is a common beverage here in the United States. When you go to a restaurant, it is often automatically brought to the table. Yet, ice water shocks the digestive fire or agni. The digestive fire is necessary to burn & properly digest food. When you pour ice water over your digestive fire it becomes extinguished & is, therefore, harder for the digestive tract to do its job effectively. You can begin to experience digestive disturbance such as gas, bloating, sluggish digestion & yes, even hyper-acidity in the stomach if you habitually drink ice water.
Ayurveda recommends warm water, warm water with lemon or room temperature water to drink with & without meals. This may take some getting used to if you always drink ice water, but trust me, it is a fantastic change in the end. Your body will be able to effectively digest food & toxins will be flushed more readily from your system.
3. Protect your Sinuses
When one experience sinus issues, it wreaks havoc on daily life. It is one of the most common things clients come into PAAVANI looking to relieve.
Our recommendation is to neti daily. Neti is an Ayurvedic remedy for blocked nasal passages due to the result of pollution, dust, pollen, colds, sinus infections & other irritants. When you neti, you keep up with nasal care maintenance which will help keep sinus issues at bay.
One thing to also note is to ALWAYS use a nasya oil, or nasal oil drops, after you neti. This ensures that the nasal passageways stay lubricated & protected. We are thrilled to announce that we have launched our very own PAAVANI Nasya Oil.
4. Replace Body Lotion with Body Oil
When I first began my studies in Ayurveda, I was a little saddened to find out that my beloved body lotion was not recommended for the most beautiful skin. After all, using body lotion was a practice handed down from my mother & I enjoyed the lotion ritual. However, when I switched my body lotion to a high quality, organic, dosha specific body oil…I never looked back. If I now use body lotion it feels artificial & does not let my skin breathe freely.
Herbally infused body oils like ours at PAAVANI offer the all-natural nourishment & protection of the base oil as well as the herbal power of the herbs infused into the oil. The result is healthy, luxurious, protected skin.
5. Wash Your Face & Remove Makeup Every Evening
Even if you are exhausted, you gotta do it! Cleansing the face before bed as well as applying beneficial face oils to the skin, will do wonders for skin health. When the skin is cleaned & nourished before bedtime, skin cells can then repair & regenerate as we sleep. It is a simple beauty secret that we can all live by.
If you do not already have an evening skincare routine or even a skincare routine at all, PAAVANI offers a simple, all-natural, organic skincare ritual. Please contact us for any guidance in choosing the right skincare ritual for your skin or to schedule a complimentary skincare consultation to get you on your way to radiant, healthy, beautiful skin.
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